Illuminated advertising space in front of shopping centers.

Outdoor advertising – Citylight

We have recently expanded our range of advertising surfaces with two citylight advertising surfaces, which are placed in front of the entrance to the Supernova shopping center, in Ljubljana, Rudnik.

Both citylight advertising surfaces are illuminated, double-sided and placed in a very visible position, which makes them especially attractive!

A citylight advertising surface or light display is an illuminated advertising surface usually placed in front of the entrance or in the parking lot of shopping centers. The advertisement is printed on semigloss paper. The print dimension is: 1185x1750mm.


The Citylight advertising surface is the only format that is uniform throughout Europe (1.2 x 1.8 m). They are placed at the eye level of an average-sized person. There is usually one advertising surface on each side of the display case, protected by safety glass that is resistant to damage, and the display case frames are mostly made of aluminum. The Citylight has a light source in the housing, which is connected to the public lighting system, which means that it lights up when dusk falls.

Vas zanima ponudba?

The offer includes the rental of bigboard billboards measuring 12×5 m along the Ljubljana bypass and the entire motorway junction.

Super-standard dimensions of advertisements on facades, building walls and larger advertising surfaces are very effective…

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Illuminated advertising surface, placed in a very visible position.

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At your request, we will find a location that is important to you, make all necessary arrangements, and take care of the entire implementation, from arrangements to layout and printing.