Outdoor advertising – Facade advertising
Unlike classic advertising surfaces, facades allow advertising on significantly larger surfaces and thus better visibility. The surfaces are in excellent locations, with high frequency and due to good viewing angles, they enable high visibility of the advertisement. Advertising surfaces on facades are very suitable for “image” advertisements, special campaigns or for directing to the client’s sales centers.
- Prestigious, exclusive locations in city centers, shopping malls and city entrances;
- above-standard dimensions of advertisements on facades;
- advertising on facades allows for high visibility;
- high quality printing and PVC canvas (guaranteed durability of up to 1 year);
- advertising on facades offers a favorable ratio between reach and price;
- they are perceived by a mobile population that does not follow traditional media;
- advertisements on facades are visible 24 hours a day (where lighting is possible).
Are you interested in the offer?

The offer includes the rental of bigboard billboards measuring 12×5 m along the Ljubljana bypass and the entire motorway junction.

Super-standard dimensions of advertisements on facades, building walls and larger advertising surfaces are very effective…

A network of 4 x 3 m jumbo billboards allows you to be visible on the approaches to the city center.

Construction site curtains are an excellent medium for promoting your product or brand, as they allow…

Roto billboards enable long-term advertising, large coverage, illumination of advertisements…

At your request, we will find a location that is important to you, make all necessary arrangements, and take care of the entire implementation, from arrangements to layout and printing.